I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. I love computer games, especially Quake 2. Other things that I enjoy are chatting on IRC, programming, listening to music, and hanging out with my friends.

My Computer

I'm pretty damn proud of my machine (Thanks to Pasty & Beholder for going to the computer show with me when I bought the parts and for helping me put it together.) It's lacking a few things, such as voodooČ and faster modem, but it serves its purpose. Here's what I have:

I have a lot of other programs, but here are the ones worth mentioning.

More Info
I love music. I mostly listen to alternative and techno. Some of my favorite bands are The Crystal Method, Soul Coughing, The Offspring, Bush, Blink-182, Sublime, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn.

I also enjoy sitting on my ass in front of my computer all day long. Every now and then I actually manage to find something constructive to do, but usually not. I enjoy web design and graphic design. I'm playing around with 3D modeling a little bit, but I'm not too good at it. Hopefully I can get good enough to help out with Dragonball Q, a Quake 3: Arena mod that my clan, The Dirty Little Bastards, will be working on after Q3Test. I also enjoy programming. I know some C and some C++. The only reason that I'm going back and learning C is because that's what Quake 2 is programmed in, so I had to figure it out in order to work on mods.

When I'm not at my computer, I'm either sleeping or out with my friends. I hang out with a few members of DLB, most of us live in Ohio. To be more specific, I usually hang out with Pasty, TrX, and Beholder. Sometimes I see Kjeldor, but not too often.

I don't watch nearly as much TV as I used to, but there are still some shows that I'm loyal to. I like Dragonball Z, South Park, X-Files, The Tom Green Show, The Simpsons, and That 70's Show. If I watch anything besides those, it's usually something on Cartoon Network. If you have that channel, then you have no excuse not to watch it all the time. It's great.

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